

Hi, I'm Anthony. I'm a graphic designer based in the Charlotte, NC area. 

My passion for creativity and art developed at a young age, and eventually led to me earning my BS in Graphic Design. I have a penchant for striking, clean design - which always influences my aesthetic as a designer. I have a keen eye for details, and truly believe they are the building blocks for a strong design. 

I love stories. I love hearing them, reading them, and telling them. Something about individual experiences and perspectives fascinates me. Taking a unique voice of a company or individual, and representing it visually, is something that I have fallen in love with doing.  With almost five years of experience, I've had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of clients, and enjoyed the challenge of representing their unique identities visually.

If you would like to work with me, or would like to say hello, please feel free to contact me.